5 Otis-Approved Wellness Products To Keep You Balanced Around The Holidays
At Otis, we’re big on spreading the word that oral health is mental health—if you’re taking a truly thoughtful, measured approach to improving your overall wellbeing, you simply can’t work on one without addressing the other. So, as the holiday season is upon us, we’d like to take a moment to focus on the mental and emotional side of things, with the goal of alleviating your holiday-season stress, and doing away with the unwanted grinding that inspired us to design our Custom Night Guard and make Otis a reality in the first place.
So, with a warm Happy Holidays from all of us to you, here are some carefully-researched emotional wellness products and apps we think will help keep you balanced this year:
- Open. Open is a self-proclaimed mindfulness studio, featuring meditation, music, breathwork and movement in one sensorially delightful place. From day one of using Open, you’ll be impressed with how quickly you’re able to take more control of your day.
- Bloom. The No. 1 video self-therapy app out there, and for good reason. Bloom is your daily mental health coach, featuring live CBT therapy sessions that are catered to your specific needs. Want to stop grinding? This is a great place to start working through the stress behind it.
- Luna. Sometimes, the best way to achieve that stress-free feeling of a warm, toasty blanket is to get a literal warm, toasty blanket. This is the best one we’ve found! And speaking literally—Luna blankets help release actual serotonin (the joy hormone) and melatonin (the sleep hormone) in your brain, and they even reduce cortisol, the stress hormone. What?! We’ll take 100.
- FocusCalm. We’re not afraid of sounding cheesy when we say, “The future is now.” FocusCalm is a neurofeedback headband that tracks how your brain responds to daily activity. If you experience stress, the headband will let you know, and provide coping strategies that, with practice, will replace the old neuropathic responses that always left you feeling on edge.
- Loftie. This is truly a new spin on an old classic. Lofie is a traditional alarm clock with a purpose that’s anything but—it’s designed to lull you into and out of sleep in a calm, healthy way that reduces dependence on smartphones, promotes better sleep patterns, and improves overall health. Yes, please.
Whether you pick up one or all of these great tools for yourself, or to give a great gift to someone you care about, you can’t go wrong with this list! Enjoy the holidays without the stress this year.